Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Today I shed more than fat!

Feb 25
Day 8

Today’s weight 203
Total Loss 9.5

Another day without a loss. I’m serenely Okay with it. I have done this so many times, I know I will go several days, then make a considerable drop.

Today I took the bull by the horns and started in on my computer room. There is a lot to go through, and I’m trying very hard to have a more simplistic life as far as things go. I have so many gadgets and so much superfluous belongings. Every drawer, shelf and bin is bulging with stuff that I might ‘need’ some day. I’m going to help my house lose a few pounds too!!

Lunch was, chicken, cherry tomatoes and an orange, dinner was talapia, spinach, and ½ grapefruit.

I give today about a 5 for difficulty. There were about 10 minutes when it was a 9, but it passed.

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