Monday, February 23, 2009

First week....10 lbs.!

Feb 23
Day 6

Today’s Weight: 202.5
Total Loss: 10

It’s Monday and I Always have the sense of a new beginning on Mondays. I feel fine this morning. Perhaps I’ll take a slow paced walk.

I went out and took several pictures of ‘Wabi Sabi’ in my neighborhood. I learned from an article that Wabi Sabi is more than old, it is also loved and preserved. I expect that is if you have it in your home, but in nature – like a rusty old car, it is often abandoned, but is still Wabi Sabi.

Anyway the photo-shoot was pleasant. I feel weak and sweaty from the exertion, but I’m recovering quickly. I just took my 9:00 dose of diethylprop.

It is interesting that it is difficult to deal with the feeling of hunger. It is such a quiet, yet constant feeling. When you are absorbed in something, it is easy to put the feeling aside, but it is constantly reminding you to address it. I wonder what the pill does exactly to make the feeling dissipate.

Lunch was chicken cucumbers & tomatoes, orange. It’s been 2 hours and I’m hungry again. I think I’m taking a book out to the hammock.

Family started to visit and I got caught up in piano lessons, photography and visiting and ended up hurrying to get dinner before my appointment with my CPA this evening. Staying busy is really the key to enduring. For dinner I had chicken, green beans, tomatoes, and strawberries.

Rating of difficulty for the day on 1-10, with 10 being impossible, I will give it a 6

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